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LWVLA Calendar



Monday January 9th 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday January 10th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club 

The Book Group will discuss In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss, by Amy Bloom. For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Thursday, January 19th 10AM-11:30AM, Virtual presentation

Climate Change 2023: Challenges and Solutions

presented by Peter Sinclair of the Yale Climate Project, based in Midland, MI. Peter is a renowned videographer and speaker specializing in environmental and energy issues. He is recognized by the National Center for Science Education as a "Friend of the Planet."; Register here.


Tuesday, January 24th, 7-8:30PM LWVLA Environmental Advocacy Group presents:

The How and Why of Green Burials, Haslett High School Viking Room, 5450 Marsh Road.

Registration Needed.




Monday February 6th 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday February 14th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, by Robert B. Reich; For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Wednesday February 15th 7PM-8:30PM - LWVLA Environmental Advocacy Group

Soil is Sexy - When you hear the word “soil”, what comes to mind? Perhaps “sexy” isn’t at the top of the list, but if you long to uncover the exciting, alluring world that humbly resides just below our feet, join us for this fun, informative workshop! Fenner Nature Center, 2020 East Mount Hope Rd., Lansing. Jointly sponsored by Wild Ones-Red Ceder Chapter.


Monday February 27th 11:45AM-1:30PM - LWVLA Lunch and Learn

The Connection Between Inequality and Democracy, a presentation by Dr. Christian Houle. Join your much missed LWVLA friends to understand how democracy and inequality are
linked. Is inequality, of income or wealth, a danger to democracy? How do inequality levels
in the United States compare to inequality levels in other countries? Should we be
concerned? Dr. Houle can provide an intellectual underpinning for this conversation. Members and friends,
please register to account for space and lunch



MARCH 2023


Monday March 6th 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins,


Tuesday March 14th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

We will discuss the documentary “Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am.” It’s part of the PBS American Masters Series and available on the PBS, Netflix, and Prime Video streaming sites. For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Wednesday, March 15th 7:00 pm

Gun Violence in Michigan and the Legislative Response.

LWVLA-PHSC will host a panel discussion to share information about gun violence, about research on what works to reduce gun deaths, about what the Michigan Legislature is proposing, and about getting involved in solutions. All Saints Episcopal Church, Undercroft. 


Saturday, March 18th 10:00 am

LWVLA Public Health and Safety Committee Chair, Linda Melaragni, will participate in a panel regarding gun violence prevention at the Allen Neighborhood Center in Lansing. Details to follow.


Thursday, March 23rd 5-7pm

World Water Day Program: "Water as a Human Right"

LWVLA is cosponsoring this event put on by the Greater Lansing United Nations Association. In person and virtual options are available.



APRIL 2023


Monday April 3rd 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Monday, April 10th Noon -1:30 pm - LWVLA Lunch and Learn

Health Inequity: How Big Of a Problem Is It? by Dana Watson, Health Equity Coordinator Ingham County. Health equity means everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. The LWV supports “a health care system that provides access to affordable, quality health care for all Americans.” A health inequity is a disparity that is caused by something systemic, something in the structure of our society. Join fellow LWVLA members and guests to learn more about health inequity. Registration and Details



Tuesday April 11th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

Inspired by the documentary “Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am,” the Book Discussion Group decided to read Morrison’s first book, The Bluest Eye. It’s the story of an 11-year-old Black girl who prays for her eyes to be blue so that she will be beautiful. For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Wednesday, April 19th 7PM 

"Citizen Science " hosted by Environmental Advocacy Group with naturalist Laura Rogers, at Fenner Nature CenterDetails in flyer.


Monday, April 24th 5:30pm - 8:00pm - LWVLA Annual Meeting

Members and guests are invited to the Annual Meeting to be held at UrbanBeat in Lansing's Old Town.  Details in flyer 


Monday, April 30th-May 6th - LWVLA "Schuler Book Days"

From April 30 to May 6 Schuler Books will donate 20% of your purchase to the League of Women Voters, Lansing Area. Just mention the League of Women Voters to the cashier when checking out. For online orders, mark "VOTE" for the donation. 


MAY 2023


Monday May 1st 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday May 9th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

We will be discussing the novel, Black Bottom Saints, by Alice Randall. It’s a tribute to Detroit's legendary neighborhood that was a mecca for jazz, sports and politics. This history of Black Detroit beyond Motown, told in an opinionated, distinctive voice, is a powerful blend of fact and imagination that conveys the world of mid-20th century Black entertainers who traveled the country by train. (368 pages) NPR’s great review of the book noted, “Black Bottom Saints is a Gorgeous Swirl Of Fiction, History And Detroit Motor Oil.”For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


May 19th-21st -LWV MI State Convention

The LWVLA will be hosting the State Convention at the MSU Kellogg Center. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!



JUNE 2023


Monday June 5th 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Friday June 9th 11:45AM-1:30PM - LWVLA Lunch and Learn

Hidden in Plain View:  Why Women's Clubs Mattered and Still Do, presentation by Dr. Sharon Carlson. Join your LWVLA friends and meet members of other Women’s Clubs, for lunch and a stimulating discussion about the role of Women’s Clubs in our society. Registration and more information in flyer.


Tuesday June 13th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

We will be reading Jeanette Winterson’s 12 Bytes: How We Got Here, Where We Might Go Next. It’s about Artificial Intelligence but presented in a way that non-techie people will find accessible. For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins



JULY 2023


Monday July 3rd 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday July 11th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins





Monday August 3rd 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday August 11th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins






Monday September 11th 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday September 12th 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Thursday, September 14t6:30PM-8:30PM Candidate Forum: East Lansing City Council 

LWVLA is partnering with East Lansing Info(ELi) to host a candidate forum for the East Lansing community at the Hannah Community Center. 


Tuesday, Sept 19th 7:00PM LWVLA Forum

LWVLA will be hosting a panel discussion on Achieving Educational Equity:

How Research Drives Educational Improvement in MichiganCheck out the flyer for more information.





Monday October 6PM-8PM - LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Tuesday October 10AM-11:30AM- LWVLA Book Club

For the zoom link, contact Donna Mullins


Thursday, October 26th 7:15pm LWVLA Presentation

The Lansing Public School District Superintendent will discuss school improvements. See flyer for details.


Saturday, October 28th 1-4pm Lansing's "Souls to the Polls, Trunk or Treat event"

The LWVLA will have a table. 2500 S. Washington, Lansing.v


Thursday, October 31the 6-8pm

LWVLA is assisting in mock voting conducted by Lansing Clerk's Office at The Village, 

3525 S. MLK Blvd.





Monday, November 8th 11:30am LWVLA Luncheon 

Celebrating 50-year members. All members are welcome! Coral Gables, 2838 Grand River Ave, East Lansing.


Monday, November 13th 6-8pm LWVLA Board Meeting

All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins


Thursday, November 16th 10:00am LWVLA Book Group

Note there is a new schedule for the Book Group. We will now be meeting on the third Thursday of the month. This month we will be discussing Killers of the Flower
by David Grann. 
All members are welcome to attend, for more information contact Donna Mullins










© 2019  League of Women Voters of  Lansing Area, Michigan. All rights reserved.

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